About Journal

Journal of Health System Research is now indexed in Scopus.

Print ISSN: 2783-4093
Online ISSN: 2322-5564

Owner: Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Director-in-Charge: Hossein Movahedian Attar
Editor-in-Chief: Hossein Shahnazi

Journal of Health System Research (HSR) is a quarterly research journal in the field of health sciences including but not limited to Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health education and  promotion, Occupational health engineering, Environmental health engineering, and Nutrition sciences. The journal is published in Persian Language fulltexts with English Abstracts, by the School of Health at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
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Journal of Health System Research

2024، Volume 20، Number 2

Print ISSN: 2783-4093

Online ISSN: 2322-5564

Director-in-Charge: Hossein Movahedian Attar

Editor-in-Chief: Hossein Shahnazi

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Journal Information



Journal volumes: 15
Journal issues: 74
Articles views: 1281392
Articles downloads: 696849

Total authors: 5001
Unique authors: 3244
Repeated authors: 1757
Repeated authors percent: 35

Submitted articles: 1745
Accepted articles: 1268
Rejected articles: 386
Published articles: 1187

Acceptance rate: 72.66
Rejection rate: 22.12

Average Time to Accept: 347 days
Average Time to First Review: 23.5 days
Average Time to Publish: 74.4 days

Last 3 years statistics:
Submitted articles: 545
Accepted articles: 155
Rejected articles: 302
Published articles: 100

Acceptance rate: 28.44
Rejection rate: 55.41

Average Time to Accept: 179 days
Average Time to First Review: 15.9 days
Average Time to Publish: 195.1 days

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