Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2015)                   J Health Syst Res 2015, 11(1): 10-20 | Back to browse issues page

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Ahmadzadeh F, Mirlohi M, Mohammad Hasani F. Systematic review study of Aflatoxin M1 level in milk and it's dairy products in Iran. J Health Syst Res 2015; 11 (1) :10-20
URL: http://hsr.mui.ac.ir/article-1-765-en.html
1- MSc Student, Food Security Research Center, School of nutrition and Food Science, Isfahan University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Food Security Research Center, Department of Community Nutrition School of nutrition and Food Science, Isfahan University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (995 Views)
Background: Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites, produced by certain strains of Aspergillus genus such as Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus and, Aspergillus nominus. These fungi occur in a broad variety of agricultural products, such as cereals, nuts, spices and dried fruit. Aflatoxins are very toxic, mutagenic, immunosuppressive, teratogenic and carcinogenic compounds. The key target organ for aflatoxins’ toxicity and carcinogenicity is liver. European :union: and Codex alimentarious commities estabilished the maximum limit of aflatoxin M1 (50 ng/kg) in raw milk.Methods: The purpose of this study was to systematically review of the studies carried out in Iran in terms of presence and the level of AFM1 contamination in milk and dairy products. National and international databases such as SID, IRANDOC, Web of Science, PubMed, Medline, Scoupus and Google scholar were searched for relevant subjects from 2005 to 2013, using AflatoxinM1, milk, Dairy products, Iran, as keywords.Finding: Fourty two relative articles were obtained. From which, 23 original papers were included in the study. In 89% of the studies exceeding levels (4-100%) of contamination from the standard limit were reprted.Conclusion: According to the results obtained in this study, pasteurized milk is the most examined dairy product for the presence of Aflatoxin M1 in Iran, followed by sterilized milk. For both cases, the study results reflect a critical AFM1 health risk, particulary (for infants and children with lower weight and higher milk intake than adults) if infants and children come in to consideration
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: education health and promotion
Received: 2020/07/16 | Accepted: 2015/04/15 | Published: 2015/04/15

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