1- MSC in Health Education, Health education and Health Promotion department, Tehran University of medical Sciences. Tehran, Iran
2- PhD in Health education and Health Promotion, Health education and Health Promotion department, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Tehran, Iran
3- Aassistant Professor, Health education and Health Promotion department, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (1000 Views)
Background: Identifying and understanding risk factors affecting stress among primary school teachers and cope strategies can cause major changes in educational system and design educational interventions in order to promote people and communities health. This study aimed at undrestanding stress experiences and coping strategies among primary school teachers.Methods: This qualitative study was conducted with participation of46 female primary teachers working in urban and rural schools of Lorestan province, Iran, using semi- structured focous groups in 2013. After reciving the informed consent, semi- structures interviews were conducted, transcripted, and after control for accuracy, gathered data were analyzed using content analysis. Acceptability and verifiability were utilized to support the data validity.Findings: Five major themes were extracted from content analysis including nature of job stress, re organizational engineering, cultural, social and personal factors and role conflicts.Conclusion: Understanding isuues about stress and coping strategies can be effective in educational interventions to solve problems and provide a way to implement more comprehensive researchs. It seems that using such models like social ones are able to be effective in designing proceduressuch as monitoring and control, teachers educational system, valuing and modification in job promotion.Key Words: Concepts Analysis, Teachers, Primary School, Stress, Coping Strategies
Type of Study:
Research |
education health and promotion Received: 2020/07/16 | Accepted: 2015/06/15 | Published: 2015/06/15