Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2016)                   J Health Syst Res 2016, 12(3): 315-322 | Back to browse issues page

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Samaneh Shojaiemeher, Mina Babashahi, Maryam Mirlohi. The Effect of Different Concentrations of Vitamin D3, Cuminum Cyminum Essential Oil, and Fermentation Time Using Response Surface Methodology on the Optimization of Probiotic Yogurt. J Health Syst Res 2016; 12 (3) :315-322
URL: http://hsr.mui.ac.ir/article-1-877-en.html
1- Department of Food Safety and Hygiene, Food Security Research Center AND Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Food Security Research Center AND Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran Corresponding Author: Maryam Mirlohi, Email: m_mirlohi@hlth.mui.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1471 Views)
Background: In recent years, the functional benefits of probiotics, vitamin D3, and Cuminum cyminum essential oil have been separately considered in diabetes management. In this study, production of probiotic yogurt containing different concentrations of vitamin D3 and C. cyminum essential oil through applying different fermentation times was investigated in order to develop a new probiotic product with the highest probiotic bacterial cell count which was added through response surface methodology (RSM). The ultimate goal of the study was the production of a probiotic product with additional health benefits for diabetes patients.Methods: RSM with central composite rotatable design was used to analyze the effect of different factors (essential oil extract, vitamin D3, and fermentation time) on the population of Lactobacillus plantarum A7 probiotic strain in the product. C. cyminum essential oil concentrations of 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.05%, vitamin D3 concentrations of 20, 40, 400, 1000, and 2000 IU/100ml, and fermentation time of 3 6, 9, 12, and 24 hours were considered as the variables of the study. According to the model used, 15 experimental designs were determined in 20 replications and the results were analyzed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software. The effect of each factor was considered significant at P < 0.05.Findings: The interactive effect of C. cyminum essential oil and fermentation time was the most significant effect, followed by the interactive effect of C. cyminum essential oil and vitamin D3, and vitamin D3 with power of 2 and D3 with power of 1 on the maximum bacterial strain growth rate, respectively. C. cyminum essential oil with a power of 1 and time power of 1 had a minor effect on bacterial growth rate. Optimized conditions for production of a probiotic with highest possible probiotic strain were obtained for the median level of all three variables.Conclusion: The probiotic yogurt formula optimized with vitamin D3 and C. cyminum essential oil allows probiotic survival of 107 cfu/ml. This product can be considered as a functional food for individuals with diabetes
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: education health and promotion
Received: 2020/07/16 | Accepted: 2016/10/15 | Published: 2016/10/15

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