Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2015)                   J Health Syst Res 2015, 11(1): 99-107 | Back to browse issues page

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Mououdi M A, Shabani M, Akbari J. Prevalence of absenteeism and its effective factors in the industry of Mazandaran province in 2007-2012. J Health Syst Res 2015; 11 (1) :99-107
URL: http://hsr.mui.ac.ir/article-1-757-en.html
1- Department of occupational health engineering, school of health, Mazandaran University of medical sciences, Mazandaran, Sari, Iran
2- BSc, Department of occupational health engineering, school of health, Mazandaran University of medical sciences, Mazandaran, Iran
3- MSc, Department of occupational health engineering, school of health, Isfahan University of medical sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (1109 Views)
Background: Absenteeism from work can have serious negative impact on work. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of absenteeism and its effective factors in the industry of Mazandaran province.Methods: This study was a longitudinal study that coducted on 128 accident cases led to absenteeism in 2007 to 2012. Absenteeism from work was calculated by using of the absenteeism indicators including Lost Time Rate, Gross Absence Rate, Sick Absence Rate, Unauthorized Absence Rate, Average Absence per Employeeand Cumulative Bradford factor. After collecting the data, for analyzing the results, SPSS version 20 software and chi-square tests and analysis of variance and odds ratios were used.Findings: Results showed that the rate of loss of time, the total amount of absenteeism, absenteeism due to sickness, total days of unauthorized absence from work and the average number of days of absence per individual were 0.956%, 1.055%, 0.726%, 0.3265% and 216.41% respectively. Also Cumulative Bradford factor in 2010, 2011 and 2012, was 86, 19 and 71 respectively. Between the accident factor and absenteeism, month of occurrence and absenteeism, nature of injury and absenteeism, work shift and Cumulative Bradford factor, Cumulative Bradford factor and accident factor, and the salary and incident were statistically significant relationship.Conclusion: Based on the results, absenteeism from work in 2012 was more than years ago, that shoud be detect and control. Also, it was found that several factors such as age, shift work, employment status, type of accident, months of the year and can be affect on the rate of absenteeism from work. Study of absenteeism from work can be reduced the prevalence of absenteeism in the organizations and thus, increased productivity and production.Key Words: Absenteeism from Work, LTR, GAR, SAR, UAR, AAE, BF
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: education health and promotion
Received: 2020/07/16 | Accepted: 2015/04/15 | Published: 2015/04/15

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